I know, I know...I've been gone. For a long, loooooonngg time. I'll tell ya why: all things that were once important to me fell by the wayside with the onset of THE ALL DAY PREGNANCY SICKNESS.
That's right, I'm with child. I've got a bun in the oven. I've got a twinkle in my eye. I've got my head over the toilet. O wait, that last one is probably not something you want to hear, huh? Sorry, it's just that, well, that image has basically defined this pregnancy for me. Sure, I thought I might get a little nauseas. But I had no idea that I would spend six weeks (so far) being so constantly, unabatingly sick.
Even before I got pregnant I had it in my mind that I didn't want to announce until 12 weeks. I know a lot of people do it that way, and I also know that a lot of people end up giving in. But I am stubborn, just ask the grandparents (yes, we told them earlier than 12 weeks. Family and a few people got to be in the know). But I sure am glad I made that decision. Because it just wouldn't have been fun to have people being excited about it when I was feeling so bad. Plus, I knew that if I announced it on the interwebs it would have given me an excuse to complain about being sick all the time via facebook and twitter. And I didn't want to be complaining all the time over something that was supposed to be so exciting. And I AM excited, but the temptation to complain would have been too much so I'm glad I waited. I mean, not to say that I'm feeling totally better, but I am feeling better than I was and I've gotten my appetite back (for a few weeks all I could eat was saltines and popsicles. Glad THAT'S over!).
So now you know, internet. And for those who care, here is a few quick facts:
- Due date= December 28 (Christmas baby!)(I'm praying for an early delivery:) )
- Weight gain so far: negative 2 lbs
- Belly: nonexistant
- Symptoms: morning (read: all day) sickness (have I mentioned that?), aversion to chicken (getting better), some headaches and some tiredness
- 2 prenatal checkups with 2 ultrasounds. The first one looked like a cheeto, the second looked like an actual baby and it was moving around like CRAZY.
- 1 time getting blood drawn (I was terrified but I did better than I thought)