Thursday, October 11, 2012


Not much has changed since I last wrote on this blog. Nearly EVERYTHING has changed since I last wrote on this blog! In my last post I wrote that I had one more month left in my pregnancy. Little did I know that "one month" would turn into 6 weeks, and carry me into the next year! In the interest of time conservation and for the sake of my typing fingers, I have made timeline to catch you up on the past, oh, nearly 11 months of my life:

Yep, that about covers it!

So I went from being a pregnant girl who'd barely held a baby to a full-time, stay-at-home mommy who does nothing but hold a baby all day long. Well, maybe not ALL day, but you get the picture. Speaking of babies, I think I hear mine on the monitor right now. Yes, my life involves things like "monitors" and "pacies" now. Ok, see you in 11 months!

Haha just kidding I should be back before then;)


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