Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So I've basically decided that I should write a musical. I do that a lot don't I? Decide things.

So that's my plan. Unfortunately I don't have a story or any songs yet; just the idea that I would like to write a musical. Actually, I don't have any idea how to write songs. I can write poetry but I'm not sure that's the same as writing songs. Also, I'm not sure that writing songs for musicals is the same as writing songs in general. Also also, I have no idea how to write music. If I'm going to write a musical can I just write the words to the songs and then someone else can put music to them? I guess it's my musical so, really, I can do whatever I want.

I used to be able to sing. I think. Well, to be more accurate, I used to not be able to sing and then I went to thearpy and then I could sing. But not thearpy for singing. Just regular thearpy. True story. But a story for another time. O my gosh I think I just had the idea for my musical! I'm a freakin hero. Anyway, I couldn't sing and then I could and now I can't again. It's really strange. I like to sing, and I sing a lot, usually when I'm by myself. Ok I just realized that I lied. I don't sing a lot. I don't even know why I said that. It just flowed from my fingers. Odd. So I can't sing and *apparently* I'm a compulsive liar.

Ok so back to the point. If this has a point. I can't sing: I try but it's like I lost my ability to stay on key. It's really odd. And, frankly, kind of embarassing. I did used to love to sing. Now when I'm in the car I usually don't do anything but think. And talk to myself in my head. I guess that's why I want to go into writing, and not singing. Most of my ideas come to me while I'm driving.

Do you know those people who can't be in the car without having music on? It's like they can't be alone with their thoughts. I bet none of those people are writers. It's not that I don't like music, I do. But most of the time I don't even think to turn it on because I'm already lost in thought by the time I turn the car on.

Ok so after that huge rabbit trail, I guess my point was that in order to express myself musically I'll have to write a musical since I can't sing. Also, I guess I made the point that I can't write the music for my musical since I am not musically talented. See? Not a rabbit trail at all.

O ya, and I think I could be musically talented. I used to play the flute and the piano and the guitar and I was pretty good (at least at the first two. I couldn't get past the pain of growing callus's on my baby fingers with the guitar.) and I was a fast learner. Just wanted to clarify that I am not *entirely* musically enept. But I can't play any of those things now. So maybe I am. Ugh.


  1. I can't ride in the car without music playing. It's so practically omnipresent whilst i'm driving that when music isn't playing, it kind of freaks me out. But the other day i had a weird realization. I was listening to music, singing to that music, and thinking about something completely unrelated at the same time. Not to mention driving. Probably not the safest of scenarios but hey, who says men can't multi task.

    Glad you're blogging again btw

  2. Haha! Ya I do that too. Most of the time when I have music on actually. And thank you. I'm calling my lame posts "practice." Lol. When are you going to post some stuff for me to read? I still have one of the stories you wrote saved on my computer.
