If you haven't been able to pick up on this so far, I am a very introspective type of person. One of the things I've been introspecting about lately is negativity. Earlier this year I started to notice that I had a bad attitude about a lot of things. And, more recently, I've noticed that I've let my bad attitude spill over into my online life. I really don't need to be tweeting, updating facebook and blogging negatively. Sure, I could argue that these are my personal outlets and I should be able to vent. I could also bring up the argument that neglecting to post negative things (i.e. when I'm upset/frustrated/sad ect.) leaves out the whole picture of my life and makes me fake. And I DO think there is a place for being honest about how you feel. STILL, I don't think that gives me a free-for-all pass to be spewing negative things about the internets. So if you've been noticing, that's why I've been gone lately. I've been taking some self inventory and really trying to decide how to curb this bad habit of mine. I don't want to be fake (and God knows I'm not a perky, happy-all-the time person), but I DO want to be a positive and uplifting person. I don't want to let my emotions control my life and what I present to others.
And this doesn't just apply to my online life. I really desire to be a more positive person in all areas. I want to smile more, and have lighthearted interactions with people more. I want to be (and feel!) happy (yes I think they can be different things).
Anyway, that's what's going on in these parts. Cross your fingers for more posting soon:)
P.S. I know I've made a few changes to the blog again, including the name. Not sure that's what I'm going to go with yet, but we'll see. I just really enjoy changing small things and I can't, for the life of me, seem to land on a name I want to stick with yet. Sorry if that's confusing and/or annoying. Le sigh.
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