Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Comparison

End of 1st trimester and end of 2nd trimester

Some differences:
  • 12 weeks: So sick all the time, 27 weeks: not sick at all!
  • 12 weeks: 2 lbs down from pre-pregnancy weight, 27 weeks: have gained about 14-15 lbs
  • 12 weeks: Still in old clothes, 27 weeks: had to go shopping for more maternity clothes!
  • 12 weeks: just telling people we are having a baby, 27 weeks: strangers are staring at my belly
  • 12 weeks: no movement, 27 weeks: movement ALL THE TIME!
  • 12 weeks: no symptoms except the lovely nausea, 27 weeks: some reflux at night, occasional back pain, waking up a lot at night to change positions, bloddy noses! but still feeling pretty great ;)
  • 12 weeks: thoughts revolve around when I will feel better and pretty much nothing else, 27 weeks: thought revolve around getting stuff ready for baby
I'm really excited about getting into my third trimester next week. Tomorrow is my next appointment which means the dreaded glucose test. Definitely not looking forward to that. I also have to get a shot because of my negative blood type. Fun stuff!

I feel really blessed to feel so great still. I have been able to pick back up going to the gym which has been a plus, although I'm definitely going less because my body gets so tired haha.

The next few months are super busy for us. There is just so much going on but I'm kind of happy about it because I know it will make the time go by faster. And I'm really excited about a vacation coming up as well as some baby showers! I know I will feel so much better when we actually have some "baby gear" (I'm not kidding, right now we have a carseat and a few clothes and that is IT) and I can really start to get things ready for Charlotte.

All for now! Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Never Mind

So after that last post I've kind of changed my mind. I'm not ready to talk about this stuff. At least not in this forum. Not exactly sure what I want to do with this blog right now. Time to turn over some new leaves in this new adventure in my life!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I May Be a Hippie...

Yes, it's true. I know that a lot of the decisions I am making and wanting to make about the birth and raising of our child can come across as "crunchy" or hippie-esque. Although I have wanted to, I haven't talked much about my plans here or elsewhere because I know that they can be touchy subjects that everyone has an opinion about. But here is the thing: I LOVE reading about these subjects on other people's blogs and sites. It really helps me to learn and to make informed decisions when I can get as much information as possible. And hearing peoples' personal stories helps me gain perspective and feel like I'm not alone out there. Plus I better start getting used to the controversy cuz it's only going to crop up more when Charlotte arrives!

So...all that to say that I would like to start talking about my parenting decisions here. You may not agree, that's fine. I'm definitely not here to tell anyone what THEY should do, I'm just here to tell you what I'D like to do. Hopefully this will be a good resource for me to look back on in the future as well as a place for me to flesh out some of my thoughts. I feel like I'm bursting with all this information and no one to talk to it about except Trey (who I'm sure is sick of hearing the same things rehashed over and over again!)

Here are some things I will probably be talking about:
  • Breastfeeding
  • Babywearing
  • Bonding
  • Attachment Parenting (and oh, there is so much under this subject alone!)
  • Cloth diapering
  • Natural Childbirth
  • Birth plans
If nothing else I need somewhere to process these thoughts. Of course I will be sure to update about how all of these things go if and when we finally get to do them! Here's to morphing into a mommy blogger!

Monday, September 12, 2011

 Loved this devotion with the one year Bible today. So I thought I'd share it:


Daily Devotional

Written by Larry Stockstill

Like the six branches of the lampstand in the tabernacle, there are six facets of the Holy Spirit's character. First, He is the Spirit of wisdom, revealing to us His future purposes both for ourselves and for His kingdom. Second, He is the Spirit of understanding, giving us revelation about our present situation and how best to be fruitful in it. Third, He is the Spirit of counsel, instructing us in solving hard problems by discerning the root causes. Fourth, He is the Spirit of might, strengthening us with power in our inner man and anointing us with His spiritual gifts. Fifth, He is the Spirit of knowledge, revealing to us the various attributes of Jesus in the Word of God. Finally, He is the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, showing us areas of our lives where sin has a foothold and then changing us into the image of Christ.

Jesus, the "stump of David's family" (Isaiah 11:1), perfectly portrayed all these characteristics. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today with these six attributes, and you will walk like Jesus walked!