Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tonight I drove by, what looked like, tape pulled out of a video tape strewn along the side of the road. It glittered in the streetlight and it caught me off guard. For some reason that sparkle of tape reminded me of the sparkle of snow on the side of the road. And that memory made me homesick. It made me long for the snow in the moonlight and the crisp air of a Colorado winter. For the blue skies and your breath catching in your throat. But more than anything it made me miss my family.

I've never been one to be really homesick, but the older I get, the better my relationship with my family gets and the more I miss them.

The holiday season is approaching like a freight train and I wish I could see them. I love my in-laws to death and I am so blessed to get to live close to them. But sometimes I wonder if I underestimated the cost of living so far from my parents.

If you live close to all of your family, know how blessed you are. I'm jealous of you.

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