Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mission Statement

Today I am working on my mission statement. I know that might sound kind of strange, but I do have a reason. Let me explain:

I don't know if this is obvious or not (I think it is), but I like a lot of different things. One thing that I see as a sort of failure in myself is the way I get really excited about something and then abandon it when the excitement wears off. Some examples: couponing, crochet, crafts, ect.

I thought I had written about this before but I haven't been able to find the post so maybe I didn't. BUT...I've been trying to find some more solid direction for my life lately. I think that trying to dip my toes into so many things is contributing to my lack of that direction. If things are important to me, then I need to work on doing them consistently, if they are not important to me, I need to drop them.

"'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord." Jeremiah 29:11

...and I'm pretty sure His plans for me don't involve me flailing around with no direction and no idea of who I am or what I'm supposed to be doing or what I even want to be doing.

So that's where my mission statement comes in. I'm going to be sitting down and deciding what's really important to me: my values. Then I'm going to figure out what it is I want to achieve, like, the big things: my goals.* Lastly I'm going to think about the things I really enjoy and am good at (don't you usually enjoy the things you're good at?):my interests. Hopefully at the end of all this I will be able to look at those lists and see a way that I can put them together so they are all flowing in the same direction. (i.e. what I'm doing is something I really enjoy that lines up with what's important to me and helps me achieve my goals). Make sense?

So that's my plan. I may update when I'm done if it doesn't end up being too personal.

What is your mission statement?

*These are not the goals I make on a regular basis (which I do, A LOT) but rather, goals about where I want to end up, goals about the person I would eventually like to be.

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