Monday, January 31, 2011

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust

I've been thinking a lot about dreams lately. I guess because I've been trying to focus on what it is I want to do with my life, and what it is I'm supposed to be doing, I've allowed myself to dream a bit. I've asked myself the age-old question: "If you could do anything, anything at all, what would you do?" in hopes of uncovering what it is that I really want to do.

So I gather up my big dreams and then I say to myself, "I caaa-aan't." and "That will never really happen."

The other night I was typing away on my computer, not really thinking anything of it, and I suddenly flashed back. I was remembering being in 5th grade and being in a typing class. I had been FREAKING out because we were going to be tested on typing without looking at the keys and I thought there was no way that I would be able to do it. And I don't remember what happened, or if I did well on the test or anything like that. All I remember is thinking, "I will NEVER be able to type without looking at the keys. And I will NEVER be able to type fast. It is just something that will never be a part of my life."

And now here I was, 12 years later, typing like the wind (and not looking at the keys) and not thinking a thing of it. It is just something I do. It is a part of my life that I never think about and probably take for granted. So I got to thinking: what dreams do I have that terrify me right now that could possibly be things I actually take for granted in the future? And on a scarier note: what things am I NOT DOING right now out of fear, that I could be doing with ease? What situations or steps have I avoided that I could have been long past by now? And that SCARES me.

And why do I think that I can't do these things? Where is my faith?

Yesterday, as I was driving and listening to some Disney music, the song "You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!" came on. Because I've seen the movie and know the story, I thought it was kind of funny in the beginning when the children couldn't fly because Peter forgot about the pixie dust. And I realized: sometimes I feel like someone forgot to sprinkle pixie dust on my life and that's why I can't fly.

But that's silly. 'Cuz I've got all the "pixie dust" I need. And I've got Someone who is ready to sprinkle it willingly if I would just trust Him instead of trying to do everything on my own and then giving up in frustration when I don't have what it takes on my own.


Faith, trust and pixie dust, people: recipe for success.

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