Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Writers block

Lately I have been having writers block. I had always wondered what writers block felt like and now I know that it is kind of like being constipated. The main difference is that when you are constipated you know what you are trying to get out and with writers block you don't. You just know that you should be getting something out. Another difference is that, with constipation, what is stuck is nasty and with writers block, what is stuck is (possibly) wonderful. Also, one occurs in your brain and one occurs...elswhere.

I have discovered that one good way to counteract writers block is, when you are feeling especially un-blocked, to write a bunch of posts that can be used at any time and to post those when you are having difficulity coming up with something new. Or that may not be so much a counteraction of writers block but actually a way of keeping your readers entertained when you have nothing to say (if you have readers). So never mind.

I have writers block. Here is a picture of my cat watching tv to keep you entertained.

1 comment:

  1. that is so cute! she is precious....looks like she has settled in to the Thomason family!
