Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Before You Say I Do...

My Top 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Saying "Yes":

1. Is he good-lookin?
I'm sorry if that sounds shallow. But let's be honest: do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone you're not attracted to? I mean, really? 'Cuz guess what? If you want a good marriage, you're going to be doing married things and you're gonna wanna like to look at your honey. Plus, chances are things aren't going to get better with time, if you know what I mean. Sure, personality and common interests and all that are important too. But if you can't look at the person you're talking to, then you aren't going to get much of the other stuff. Just sayin'.

2. Does he believe the same things you do?
I'm not just talking about your spiritual beliefs although is MUY IMPORTANTE. I'm talking your other beliefs too. Do you have strong political views? Are you an environmentalist? Do you believe sugar is of the devil? Are you a vegetarian? Think of your core values. What is important to you? If he doesn't share your values, it could cause confusion or even big issues. If you don't understand or value each others' values then you wont understand why the other person values them either.

3. Does he want kids? How many?
This is going to come up someday. And if you're not on the same page...Uh oh...

4. How does he treat his family?
This is important. Here's why: his family is who he is most comfortable around. He's been with them his whole life! If he gets along well with his family, that's good. If he doesn't, you're gonna want to know that too. 'Cuz guess what? If you marry him, YOU will become his family.

5. Does he have a good job (or a job at all)?
Do I really have to add anything to this? A man feels like a man when he can provide for his family. If he can't or doesn't, issues may arise. Also, do you want to be the main provider for your family? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. This is strictly about how you feel about it. Just make sure the job situation is something you consider.

6. Can you be completely comfortable around him?
I'm not asking if you feel okay being gross around him (although, those times will probably come too). Ask yourself if you're being your true self with him. Do you hide your love for sci-fi? Do you never let him see you without makeup? If you can't be comfortable with your man, one of two things will end up happening: either things will blow up when he finally meets the real you, or you will spend your life being miserable because you can't be who you are. Here's a hint: neither option is a good one. Be yourself.

7. Does he make you feel special?
 Does he still do romantic things for you? Do you still have special date nights? Some women seem to think that these things will come after they get married. DON'T BE DECEIVED! Marriage is hard work! If the romance isn't kept alive before you say "I do" it will quickly fizzle out and die after the honeymoon. Because being married isn't the cure for lack of romance. Putting a ring on a man's finger doesn't make him a Romeo. Honestly, things often cool down after the wedding and it takes even more work to keep things romantic. 

8. Does he serve you?
Does he put you first? Please don't take this as a diva license. A husband is not a genie, sent to fill your every whim. But if you're going to be married, you want a man who makes you his priority. (By the way, you've got to prioritize and serve him right back!) Watch to see if he lets you choose the movies every now and then. See if he really listens to you. You'll be able to tell if he is putting you first or only thinking about himself.

9. Do you like his friends?
You know that saying, "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future?" It's true. Besides, not only do you "marry the family" you also sometimes "marry the friends." Basically I'm saying, when you join your life to someone else, you get the whole package. Let's be real, he may have one or two oddball friends that you don't like. That's not a deal breaker. But say you don't really like any of his friends. Or say him and his friends enjoy things and activities that you don't like/agree with. You're going to get all that when you tie the knot. Marriage isn't a buffet where you can pick and choose the pieces of someone's life that you want. So make sure you like what you ordered.
10. What don't you like about him?
Be honest with yourself. I know that love makes people blind and all that. And I'm not saying go looking for his flaws. But if you see something you don't like, don't ignore it and hope that it will go away after the wedding. It wont. In fact, it will probably be even more annoying to you than it is now. Instead, ask yourself, "Is this something we can discuss and work out?" and if not, "Is this something I can get used to?" If the answer is no, then you might want to reconsider.


  1. Love the thoughts and perspektive in this post. I absolutely know some people who could have used someone sitting down with them and going through these 10 pointers before they desided to move in together, get enganged or get married.
    Love this new blog of yours!

  2. Mmmmmm I love this. Alan is especially good at number eight now, even if he wasnt that way at first.
