Did you know you can rent an Irish castle?! Let's daydream for a minute, shall we?

Let's go here.

I think I'll start my day with some quite, alone time in this meadow.

Then I'll enjoy some breakfast at this stately table with the morning light coming in.

In the afternoon I think I'll take a leisurely stroll with my husband down this lovely lane.

After we have gone out on the town and hit a local pub (just for the food and the company, of course), I'd love to grab a book and snuggle up to read in front of this fire.

And at the end of my perfectly relaxing day, I'll crash on this beautiful bed. Don't worry, there are many more rooms. I just thought I'd indulge in a bit of pink since I don't get to decorate with it at home.
:)This is the Springfield Castle. To find out more information, and for all photo credits go
Oh my word! Pick me:) Alan and I will vacation in the neighboring castle!