Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My first experience with the basement...

First of all I would like to post the disclaimer that I may or may not be qualified to write this since I 1.) Didn't actually attend the Basement since I was working in the cafe and 2.) Actually left early because I didn't feel good. So even though I might have gone during the time that the cafe was closed (during the actual service (is that what it is called at the Basement? A service?)), I didn't because I left due to my aching stomach (a note about this: got asked if I was pregnant. My response? "I wish!")

For those of you who don't know the Basement is a huge youth gathering that had previously met in another church every Tuesday night. It got so big (I'm talking thousands upon thousands) that for that reason and others, it was moved to Church of the Highlands and cut to once a month. Last night was the first night for "the Basement at Highlands." (Which btw: I kept seeing people twittering "the Basement at Highlands" and I got to thinking, what if Highlands DID have a basement? Like a real one? It would be, like, HUGE! And for some reason I thought that was hilarious and now I have no idea why. Ok back to real post...) The Basement is known for it's loud music and crazy on fire people. I've heard it compared to a Chirstian club. Again...I wouldn't know from experience because I haven't had one. Yet.

So here is what I got out of my first non experience:

I had expected there to be a big distinction between the "Highlands people" and the "Basement people." In my head I pictured the two groups eyeing each other warily, like two jungle cats circling. That did not happen. We are, as yet, civilized. And I am, as yet, apparently crazy.

Conversation overheard in the bathroom (paraphrased due to short term memory issues):

Girl 1: This place is nice!
Girl 2: I know! Have you ever been here before?
Girl 1: No but it's nice.
Girl 2: Starbucks and stuff!
Girl 1: Ya, this place cost like billions!

Haha, uh...not exactly. I thought about pointing out that our government barely has billions but decided that an unfamiliar disembodied voice coming from another stall would be creepy. Also that butting into other peoples' conversations is rude.

Another thing that went not-as-planned, I was expecting a huge rush in the cafe (as was everyone else in the cafe). Wrong. Hardly anyone came before service and I heard it was the same after. Maybe people at the basement don't like coffee? Or they just like different forms of caffine such as energy drinks? Or maybe they didn't know we were having a cafe and they didn't bring money but it will be super busy next time? I don't know.

As people were flooding in and music was pumping and lights were flashing I realized that I don't like crowds or loud noises. I think that may have been different in the past? I'm not sure due to my short term memory loss, but I think that particular trait may have changed with the onset of my personality disorder. Or maybe it was inhanced due to my state of sickness. Anyway crowds + loud music= stress for Lauren. Actually those things = stress for Lauren on their own so you can see how it could be multiplied.

So then I left. As I was trying to get out of the parking lot I was met by a row of cones blocking the exit. Ok, no biggie. I turn around to take the other exit. Also blocked. That's right people: I WAS TRAPPED AT THE BASEMENT! (Does that sound like part of a horror film? Because it wasn't scary in real life since I am a capable and rational adult.) The funniest part? I had parked over in the staff parking (hey I work at the cafe, OK?!) and after I escaped (Squeezed between a cone and the curb because I didn't feel like getting out to move cones) I found that the staff parking was the only part that was blocked in. So only the staff was trapped. Haha.

Then I saw this:

And that basically sums it up, ya'll.

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