Sunday, August 9, 2009

The quiet mouse

Have I mentioned that I love my husband? I think he is the sexiest man alive. I think about him all day. I know were still considered "newlyweds" and that this is pretty normal.


Ok I'll be honest: I thought that the "honeymoon phase" kind of wore off like, by now. But let me tell you what...the "honeymoon phase" has NOT worn off for me!

Ooo Hoo! I cant hardly wait till my husband gets home. When he looks at me with THAT look? Well my heart just about stops. I am honestly getting butterflies just thinking about him as I right this.

I think that married people should have the option to be with each other all day of everyday if they want to. I hate every morning when I have to go to work. Not so much for the fact that I HAVE TO GO TO WORK (although...that sucks too). But for the fact that I have to be separated from my husband. I hate it when I have to go to bed by myself because he is at work or doing something else. HATE IT.

So thats why, when he has to go BACK to work at 8:30 at night, on a Sunday, after he's been working at the cafe at church for 5 hours...that's why I'll kiss him like the worlds ending. That's why I'll wait up till he gets home because I can't sleep without him. That's why I'll watch crappy movies on TV that I could care less about: because he's gone and I don't know what else to do with myself?

Is that sad? Am I totally pathetic? Maybe so. But I don't care. Because I just freakin love my husband.

Because he tells me I'm beautiful when I have bed-head and I'm not wearing deordorant. He kisses me when I haven't brushed my teeth or taken a shower all day. He picks me up and carries me all over the house even when I've gained 1000 pounds since we got married. He lets me eat whatever crap I wan't even though he knows I'll just complain that I ate too much and talk about how fat I'm getting. He hugs me and tells me he loves me even after I've been picking at him about stupid, meaningless things. He rubs my feet whenever I want even though I want it ALL THE TIME.'s ok to be jealous. I know I've got it good. Sigh. I'm happy:)

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