This might be the funniest thing I have seen in my life. Or possibly just today. When I got to the part about Johnny Depp I was silent laughing so hard at my desk that I thought my eyes might pop out. Then I looked at it again and tricked my brain into seeing the picture the way she saw it and it started all over. I wish that I could carry The Bloggess around in my pocket all day and she could wisper funny things in my ear that only I could hear. Or she could give me funny ideas and I could write them and I would get all the credit for her awesomeness. That would be good too. At least she has a funny twitter. Which is almost the same thing because I have Twitter on my phone and I put my phone in my pocket sometimes. But not the same thing because I don't steal her ideas.
Also, since I started reading The Bloggess I have felt my mind going back to the place it used to always be. Did that make sense? I'm thinking no. I'll explain: I used to actaully have an imagination and I also used to be slightly crazy. Then I went through SERIES OF EVENTS and got super concerned with being normal and caring what people thought of me. I actually think it may have become kind of crippling. (When I typed SERIES OF EVENTS, I kind of meant it to be like a censor. Like when they cut parts out of movies or TV shows but instead of being smooth it's just a black screen for a second and then the movie/show starts again and it's really awkward and you wonder what you missed? Ya read it like that.)(And when I typed censor I accidently typed "sensor." I just went back and changed it. I also have crippling spelling problems.)
In no way am I even close to as crazy as the Bloggess. (I have to admit I suspect she may exaggerate her crazy little. Or I could be totally wrong on that one.) Still, she has made me laugh more than I've laughed in a long time and I feel a little like my old self again. So this post is a "Thanks Bloggess. You rock."
On another note...Trey rented Sunshine Cleaning for me yesterday. I had wanted to see it forever because I love Amy Adams. So I finally saw it and it was nothing like I thought. I liked it but I kinda went into it thinking it was gonna be funny and it was actually kind of depressing...So yesterday was a weird day with reading-the-Bloggess-funnyness and then depressing-I-thought-this-was-comedy-but-it's-actually-kind-of-sad-and-really-quiet-movie-watching. (Can I just mention that it is kind of hard to dash things like that? I automatically hit space after I write a word. I didn't realize this was an addiction until I had to backup and insert a dash EVERY SINGLE TIME.) This has been happening to me a lot lately. Apparently I have lost the ability to judge the vibe of a movie through its preview. I blame this on the fact that I think I need glasses. Which could be wrong but I do get a lot of headaches. This could also be due to the fact that I spend my entire workweek in front of a computer. But I doubt it.
Is "workweek" one word?
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